Never mind the frost, come and warm up in our lodges ...!
Posted 23/11/2020 : By: Will & Sarah Draper
Wow what a simply beautiful morning it was here at Badwell Ash Holiday Lodges! It was well below zero overnight and we woke up to a thick layer of frost over the site. Then the sun came up and we had a cloudless sky for most of the day. The combination of the frost and sun produced a misty ethereal view across Main Lake - we wondered if a ghost ship might come into view!

Luckily our lodges are always toasty, constructed from slow-grown Scandinavian timber, double glazed, with a heater in each room, and a steam shower in case you need to warm up. And for those that want to brave the outdoors, there is a country walk, a day's fishing, or just sitting on the balcony watching the wildlife, perhaps followed by a dip in your hot tub, always kept steaming at 38 degrees so you're warm whatever time of day or night you jump in.

We are carefully watching the Government announcements this week, as we are sure you are too. So far it seems that we will be able to re-open on December 4th, which we are very much looking forward to. We can't wait to see you back here again soon!

PS Incidentally in one of the pictures you can see the work we have done to improve the Woodpecker fishing area - it will no longer get boggy! In fact we have now gravelled all the tracks on site so we can say goodbye to the sodden old wood chips.